I am a Manufacturing, Materials, and Quality Engineer who enjoys making independent films, acting, and dancing. I am currently looking for opportunities in both the engineering and film communities.

I graduated from WPI with a BS in Mechanical Engineering with a focus in Biomechanics in 2008 and an MS in Material Science and Engineering in 2010. While at WPI I was a member of the women’s volleyball team, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Psi Omega, Material Advantage, the campus theatre group Masque, WPI Student Ambassadors, and the campus tour guide group Crimson Key. As a graduate student I worked with Prof. Jianyu Liang and Prof. Terri Camesano on Graduate Research entitled “Bacteria Interaction on the Nano-scale” which focused on the interaction between the pore sizes of Anodized Aluminum Oxide templates and bacteria growth. I was also a Teaching Assistant for several Materials and Nanotechnology classes. 

Currently I work as a Consumables Manufacturing Engineer at a Medical Testing Equipment manufacturer in Waltham, MA. Previously I worked as an R&D Sustaining Engineer Contractor at a major medical device company in Marlborough, MA where I performed test method validations, real time aging documentation, testing, and support work for CAPAs and NCEPs. I also have experience in medical device Manufacturing Engineering including chemical and sonication cleaning, wet processes, creating and investigating RAs, NCRs and CAPPAs, monitoring and troubleshooting manufacturing processes, creating and performing DOEs and IQ/OQ/PQs, managing Cleanroom environments, and working with customers to manufacture prototypes and provide design-for-manufacturing feedback. I am proficient in Materials Science, Manufacturing, and Quality concepts and am a Member of ASM International, ACerS, and TMS. For more information regarding my Engineering background, please visit my “Engineering” page for my professional resume.


In my spare time I like to play all kinds of sports, board games, pub trivia, and video games, as well as work on independent films of all lengths. I’ve performed in classical ballets, a wide range of plays, and enjoy being both in front of and behind the camera and microphone. I’ve produced several short films with Two-Bit Pictures and worked on the independent films "Wander My Friends" and "Devil May Care". I also support independent dance, film, and other ventures via Kickstarter and Indiegogo. For more information regarding my film and voice acting background please visit my “Film and Voice” page, for my theatre and dance background visit “Stage”, for my other interests including sports, TV, and puzzles visit “Hobbies”, and for my blog about whatever pops into my head visit “Blog”.

Feel free to contact me via the Twitter or LinkedIn links below or through my "Contact" page regarding job opportunities or other questions. Thanks for popping by!